
”A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:8

Bellwork:How does the above quote apply to a situation you have encountered in your own life? 

What are some other words for double minded?

Below is a painting by Caravaggio, an Italian Baroche artist.  The painting is called “The Supper at Emmaeus,” and depicts Jesus revealing himself to his disciples after the ressurection.  At the moment Jesus breaks the bread, the disciples’ realize who Jesus is. It is as though the figures are on a stage and there is a spotlight on them.  In accordance with our theme of Contrast, think about how this scene presents the still life in the center of the table.  How does the technique that Caravaggio used in the painting work with the subject matter to really drive home the “theme o’ the scene?”


Students will create miniature sculptures using found objects and set them against a backdrop of white sculpture forms.

Students will then set up a spotlight on the still-life to create dramatic shadows.

After the scene is set, students will sketch the scene in their sketchbooks, observing the value changes in the still-life.

Time of Completion:  This assignment will take place over 2 class-periods:  Approximately 2.5 hours of class-time.

*Extra Credit:

Write a 300 word essay with the following components:

Rename the painting.  Use your new title as the title to your essay.  Answer the question, “How does the subjects matter in the painting relate to today’s quote?”

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